The (not) Boring Jump 'n Bump this is my second j&b level... i played j&b with a friend and he said.. "hey.. there should be a level just like that first screen of j&b" so i did one... thats all ;) if u wanna get in contact with me for whatever you can think of, heres my address: also visit my homepage @ even if u dont know what u will find there ;) oh, and when u dont know how to load it, just put the files from this zipfile in your j&b directory.. then, on the command prompt, go into your j&b directory and type "boring" and press [enter] (without the quotes) or.. in windows, doubleclick on the boring.bat _____________________________________________________ this was written a little bit before the beginning of the 21nd century...somewhere in that strange milkyway (cant remember the name of the exact locatian though)