Dumpster Map for Jump 'n Bump By Sebi T Just Immagine the bunnies whacking themselves in the polluted area of Ploiesti [ROMANIA]...don't expect them to grow 6 legs or 2 heads though, cause it ain't gonna happen... This is my first map, so don't expect it to be great or anything.. Hey, I just got the game yesterday!!! Anyway, I think it's kinda cool, looks a bit like my city..:) This map is great for 3 or 4 players -call it teamwork, but it's pretty cool to push a bunny in the propulser (or whatever you call it) and have your teammate wait for him at the top- To make the Dumpster map, I just used Paint and ACDsee All you have to do is unpack the zip file in your jump&bump directory and run the game from DUMPSTER.BAT ENJOY!